Monday, September 30, 2013


Why do we call ourselves a team?  Not just a group of students?  Well, a team has to learn to work together for a common goal and for the good of the group.  They need unity, spirit, cooperation, and lots of other qualities.  Living together for two months on the road will require good teamwork!   For that reason, team-building has been well underway.  These pictures highlight a recent team-building weekend that included fund-raising at Homecoming, a sleepover, and learning some basics of Thai cooking and eating!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Three weeks down and this team of students will be ready for a new adventure.  Destination:  China, Thailand, and S.E. Asia.  They are busy prepping now for the upcoming 8-week trip that will teach them countless things that couldn't be taught in a classroom.  This blog will keep you informed of some of those discoveries along the way.  Stay tuned!

So, this is who we are:
Left to right, front row:  Neomi, Chee, Jenifer, Mandi, Maly
Middle row:  Connie (blogger and co-leader), Dani, Caity, Ariel, Brooke, Caroline
Back row:  Dr. M (leader), Sean, Amanda, Kou, Zack